About Me πŸ§”πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Hello! I'm Ibrahim Faarih and this is my personal blog. Thank you for visiting 🫢

The blog πŸ“‘

I cover topics related to travel on my blog. And in case you didn't notice, most of what I share is about the Maldives.

As a Maldivian, my deep-rooted connection to the Maldives uniquely positions me to share invaluable insights, insider tips, and travel hacks.

I believe my firsthand experience as a Maldivian adds a genuine touch to my perspectives on travel, allowing me to share a more authentic and informed stories.

Me 😎

I've been blogging since I was just 10! My first blog was just a blogspot space where I shared walkthroughs of the games I played.

Professionally, I started writing in 2018 for a travel tabloid in Maldives called The Arrival. Since then, I've spent most of my career as a writer in local travel magazines, with some marketing gigs mixed in. I've built a solid skill set that covers everything from Social Media Management to SEO & newsletter production.

Putting the boring stuff aside, here's a secret; I prefer black tea more than coffee. Though you'll likely catch me sipping on the latter more often πŸ€”


Oh, wait! I won’t make any claims about my personal attributes – I’ll let you decide that if we ever meet. Maybe over a cup of... coffee? Get in touch with me here!